A study of glycosaminoglycan metabolism upon the effect of stress factors on the body

Sharaev P.N., Ivanov V.G., Kutiavin L.I.
PubMed Id: 2815673
Year: 1989  Volume: 35  Issue: 4  Pages: 20-23
Several patterns of glycosaminoglycans (GAG's) metabolism in gastric tissue were studied in patients with acute form of gastric and duodenal ulcerous disease, caused and accompanied by multiple stressors . Similar studies were carried out in rats under conditions of stress caused by daily immobilization (in dorsal position) within 8 days. Under these stressor conditions distinct increase of 11-oxycorticosteroids content in blood was related to inhibition of hexosamines biosynthesis in gastric wall and to a decrease in content of GAG-s in gastric juice, mucosal membrane and wall cells. The rate of synthesis of hexosamines and hexuronic acids was increased, while content of GAG's was normalized in gastric tissues during adaptation of rats to the immobilization stress conditions, when moderate elevation in the 11-oxycorticosteroids content was observed.
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Sharaev, P. N., Ivanov, V. G., Kutiavin, L. I. (1989). A study of glycosaminoglycan metabolism upon the effect of stress factors on the body. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 35(4), 20-23.
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