Neurometabolic effects and antihypoxic activity of a vitamin-coenzyme complex, including thiamine pyrophosphate, lipoate, 4-phosphopantothenate, nicotinate and flavinadenine mononucleotide

Rozanov V.A., Abu Sali I.I., Rozanov A.Ya.
PubMed Id: 2075726
Year: 1990  Volume: 36  Issue: 6  Pages: 66-69
Administration of the vitamin-coenzyme complex containing thiamin pyrophosphate:lipoate:4-phosphopantothenate:nicotinate:flavinad enine mononucleotide (0.2:3:5:8:1) led to increased utilization of alpha-ketoglutarate in nervous tissue via alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and GABA-transaminase pathways. In these systems content of glutamate and GABA was decreased, suggesting their elevated consumption as energy-providing substrates. If 4-phosphopantothenate was substituted by CoASH and nicotinate--by NAD+, increased decarboxylation of 5(-14)C-alpha-ketoglutarate, 1(-14)C-GABA and 4(-14)C-Asp was detected in brain homogenates in vitro. The neurometabolic effects were accompanied by pronounced antihypoxic effects as shown by the test 'hypoxy of closed space'.
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Rozanov, V. A., Abu, Sali, I. I., Rozanov, A. Ya. (1990). Neurometabolic effects and antihypoxic activity of a vitamin-coenzyme complex, including thiamine pyrophosphate, lipoate, 4-phosphopantothenate, nicotinate and flavinadenine mononucleotide. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 36(6), 66-69.
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