Analysis of changes in serotonin, histamine, and prostaglandin E2 levels in cerebrospinal fluid and body tissues during hyperthermia of various origins

Kubarko A.I., Pereverzev V.A., Balakleevskiĭ A.I., Gomolko N.N.
PubMed Id: 1858335
Year: 1991  Volume: 37  Issue: 1  Pages: 26-28
Physical hyperthermia caused distinct increase in content of serotonin in liquor and its decrease in hypothalamus of rabbits and rats, while histamine and PGE2 were unaltered in liquor of these animals. Considerable increase of PGE2 in liquor simultaneously with unaltered content of serotonin and histamine were detected in rabbits with pyrogenal-caused fever. A decrease in PGE2 content and elevation of serotonin were found in animals liquor after normalization of body temperature within 7 hrs of the pyrogenal treatment. The biogenic amines studied appear to serve as constituents of the natural antipyretic body system in animals, whereas PGE2 belongs to factors responsible for elevation of body temperature.
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Kubarko, A. I., Pereverzev, V. A., Balakleevskiĭ, A. I., Gomolko, N. N. (1991). Analysis of changes in serotonin, histamine, and prostaglandin E2 levels in cerebrospinal fluid and body tissues during hyperthermia of various origins. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 37(1), 26-28.
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