The effect of acute fatal blood loss on post-resuscitation changes in heart phospholipids and prevention of them

Dolgikh V.T.
PubMed Id: 1683067
Year: 1991  Volume: 37  Issue: 3  Pages: 9-13
Acute lethal hemorrhage and resuscitation led to a decrease in content of phosphatidyl-choline, -ethanolamine, -serine and cardiolipin but increased lysophosphatidyl choline in rat heart muscle. Within the first week catabolism of phospholipids predominated, maximal rate of which was detected at the end of the first day. Within the subsequent three days phospholipid composition of cardiomyocyte membranes was gradually normalized. Qualitative and quantitative alterations in the membranes phospholipid composition with frequency of heart rhythm impairments, with increased consumption of glucose by functioning heart as well as with amount of enzymes, liberated from isolated isometrically contracting heart into coronary circulation. Preadministration of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, guthimine, inderal, ionol and isophthine enabled to decrease or even to normalize the cardiomyocyte membranes phospholipid composition.
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Dolgikh, V. T. (1991). The effect of acute fatal blood loss on post-resuscitation changes in heart phospholipids and prevention of them. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 37(3), 9-13.
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