Role of "signal" ATP as a secondary messenger in transmembrane transfer of polypeptide signals for growth and cell differentiation

Karelin A.A.
PubMed Id: 1812613
Year: 1991  Volume: 37  Issue: 6  Pages: 44-47
Experimental and literature data, concerning the formation and utilization of short-living membrane bound ATP on plasmatic membrane of mammalian cells, are discussed. This type of ATP is produced in the fraction of particles enriched with plasmatic membranes by means of receptor-dependent mechanism coupled with redox potential. Role of the ATP in mediation of the "signal" transduction through plasmatic membrane by a number of polypeptide factors of growth, mitogens, by stimulators of cell proliferation and differentiation is considered. Formation of short-living "signal" ATP on plasmatic membrane, as it is particularly emphasized, is related to activation of tyrosine specific phosphorylation catalyzed by membrane-bound tyrosine kinases. The criteria corroborating importance of the plasmatic membrane ATP as early messenger transducing signals to cell growth, proliferation, differentiation and transformation are discussed. Interrelation is considered between formation of the signal transducing ATP from ADP and Pi on plasmatic membrane of mammalian cell and oxidation of NADH coupled with aerobic phosphorylation and Na+/H+ exchange.
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Karelin, A. A. (1991). Role of "signal" ATP as a secondary messenger in transmembrane transfer of polypeptide signals for growth and cell differentiation. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 37(6), 44-47.
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