The role of the inositol phosphate cycle in the cardioprotective effect of adaptation to repeated stressors

Meerson F.Z., Kopylov Yu.N.
PubMed Id: 8390126
Year: 1993  Volume: 39  Issue: 2  Pages: 6-13
As shown by previous studies, adaptation to short-term stress exposure developed the phenomenon of adaptive stabilization of structures (PhASS), including such as elevation in resistance to impairing effects of isolated animal hearts and the heart nuclear fraction of elements of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Studies of the role of inositol phosphate regulatory cycle in the development of the ASS phenomenon showed that the inositol triphosphate-diacyl glycerol (ITP-DAG) step of regulation was activated at the peak of PhASS development within 15 days after the adaptation onset. The activation observed was accompanied by enhanced activity of phospholipase C as well as by positive inotropic responses of heart tissue to phenylephrine stimulation, which was determined by ITP and DAG accumulation. Within 30 days the inositol phosphate cycle activation was decreased with simultaneous reduction of PhASS. The data obtained suggest that the ITP-DAG step of regulation involved in development of PhASS is of importance in DAG-dependent activation of protein kinase C and in accumulation of heat-shock proteins which are responsible for structures stabilization.
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Meerson, F. Z., Kopylov, Yu. N. (1993). The role of the inositol phosphate cycle in the cardioprotective effect of adaptation to repeated stressors. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 39(2), 6-13.
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