The effect of methotrexate on phenobarbital induction of monooxygenases and UDP-glucuronyltransferases in rat liver

Lukienko P.I., Legon'kova L.F., Bushma M.I., Shoka A.Yu., Zverinskiĭ I.V., Zavodnik L.B.
PubMed Id: 8333187
Year: 1993  Volume: 39  Issue: 3  Pages: 31-32
Methotrexate (N10-methyl-4-amino-4-deoxyfolic acid), administered to rats subcutaneously at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg within 14 days, was found to decrease content of microsomal protein in liver tissue and content of cytochromes P-450 and b5 as well as the drug decreased activity of amidopyrine- and ethylmorphine-N-demethylases, aniline-p-hydroxylase, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase and urinary excretion of glucuronides by 21%, 60%, 39%, 33%, 53%, 21%, 41% and 28%, respectively. Phenobarbital, administered subcutaneously at a dose of 60 mg/kg within 14 days, elevated the parameters by 28%, 187%, 63%, 163%, 162%, 100%, 95% and 60%, respectively. The effect of phenobarbital in combination with methotrexate was decreased by 77%, 49%, 55%, 52%, 43%, 42% and 22%, respectively.
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Lukienko, P. I., Legon'kova, L. F., Bushma, M. I., Shoka, A. Yu., Zverinskiĭ, I. V., Zavodnik, L. B. (1993). The effect of methotrexate on phenobarbital induction of monooxygenases and UDP-glucuronyltransferases in rat liver. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 39(3), 31-32.
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