Effect of using gutimine in the pre-ischemic period on myocardial phospholipids during reperfusion

Boiarinov G.A., Andreeva N.N., Mukhina I.V.
PubMed Id: 8379111
Year: 1993  Volume: 39  Issue: 4  Pages: 34-38
Physico-chemical properties of phospholipids were studied in heart muscle at postischemic period after preventive treatment with gutimine. Two administrations of the drug, as compared with its three times treatment, during the preischemic period contributed to development of stable adaptive antiischemic and antireperfusion responses involving alterations in fatty acid composition of phospholipids as demonstrated by an increase in content of arachidonic acid in all the phospholipid fractions studied as well as in total content of monoenic acids in lysophosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl serine and of polyenic acids in lysophosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl serine and phosphatidyl ethanolamine.
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Boiarinov, G. A., Andreeva, N. N., Mukhina, I. V. (1993). Effect of using gutimine in the pre-ischemic period on myocardial phospholipids during reperfusion. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 39(4), 34-38.
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