Enterosorbent with immobilized trimethylaminoethanol chloride. I. hypolipidemic properties

Lopukhin Yu.M., Andrianova I.P., Ryzhenkov V.E., Samoĭlova N.A., Chistiakova A.M., Frolova Yu.V., Iamskov I.A., Sergienko V.I., Lapuk Ya.I.
PubMed Id: 8122401
Year: 1994  Volume: 40  Issue: 1  Pages: 18-20
Hypolipidemic properties of the synthesized enterosorbent, water soluble polymer containing covalently immobilized trimethylamine ethanol chloride, were studied. Content of cholesterol in blood was decreased by 29% and accumulation of cholesterol in liver tissue--by 22% after oral administration of the enterosorbent at a dose of 250 mg/kg into rats with hypercholesterolemia. Cholestyramine exhibited the similar effect only at a dose of 2.5 g/kg. Except for the hypocholesterolemic effect, the enterosorbent altered also the lipoprotein spectrum in rat blood serum.
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Lopukhin, Yu. M., Andrianova, I. P., Ryzhenkov, V. E., Samoĭlova, N. A., Chistiakova, A. M., Frolova, Yu. V., Iamskov, I. A., Sergienko, V. I., Lapuk, Ya. I. (1994). Enterosorbent with immobilized trimethylaminoethanol chloride. I. hypolipidemic properties. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 40(1), 18-20.
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