The effect of phosphatidylcholine on repair processes in liver cells in acute CCl4 damage

Podobed O.V., Fedorova L.M., Iakusheva I.V., Abakumova O.Yu., Tsvetkova T.A., Kovaleva G.G., Gavril'chak A.V., Shekhter A.B.
PubMed Id: 7539565
Year: 1995  Volume: 41  Issue: 1  Pages: 13-16
Effect of phosphatidylcholine, isolated from soy beans and sunflower seeds for laboratory use, on synthesis of RNA, DNA, albumin and content of newly synthesized mRNA in polyribosomes was studied in hepatocytes after chemical hepatectomy produced by single administration of CCl4 into rats; histological and histochemical studies of liver tissue were also carried out. Phosphatidylcholine from these plants was found to prevent hepatocyte dystrophy and necrosis development, to activate the macrophage response and to stimulate reparation inducing synthesis and secretion of the tumor necrosis factor. The rate of highly labelled RNA synthesis, mainly mRNA, decreased in liver tissue of rats treated with CCl4, was increased approximately 2-fold after the phospholipid administration. The phospholipid from soy beans restored the albumin synthesis as well as the content of newly synthesized mRNA in rat polyribosomes, while phosphatidylcholine from sunflower seeds restored effectively the mitochondrial DNA synthesis. Promising application of these phosphatidylcholines as hepatoprotectors is discussed.
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Podobed, O. V., Fedorova, L. M., Iakusheva, I. V., Abakumova, O. Yu., Tsvetkova, T. A., Kovaleva, G. G., Gavril'chak, A. V., Shekhter, A. B. (1995). The effect of phosphatidylcholine on repair processes in liver cells in acute CCl4 damage. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 41(1), 13-16.
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