Activity of NADP-dependent dehydrogenases and level of recovery of pyridine nucleotides in the rat brain in insulin hypoglycemia and in the recuperative period

Telushkin P.K., Potapov P.P.
PubMed Id: 8585173
Year: 1995  Volume: 41  Issue: 3  Pages: 26-28
Activity of NADP-dependent isocitrate- and malate dehydrogenases and the rate of NADP reduction into NAD+ were studied in various rat brain compartments during the hypoglycemic coma and within various periods after the coma cupping using glucose administration. Severe hypoglycemia was accompanied by distinct decrease in content of NADH x H+ in nervous tissue, while the enzymatic activity studied was not altered and content of NADPH x H+ was not decreased. Within the early restoration period activity of cytoplasmic NADP-malate dehydrogenase and content of NADPH x H+ were increased in brain tissue. Production of NADPH x H+ during hypoglycemic coma and after its cupping was maintained in nervous tissue at the adequately high level and did not affect the restoration-related synthesis
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Telushkin, P. K., Potapov, P. P. (1995). Activity of NADP-dependent dehydrogenases and level of recovery of pyridine nucleotides in the rat brain in insulin hypoglycemia and in the recuperative period. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 41(3), 26-28.
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