The study was undertaken to examine the activity of the most informative enzymes alkaline and acid phosphatases and a-amylase in the oral fluid in patients with acute and chronic leukemias on admission to hospital and after oral sanitation. The findings of 128 patients aged 13 to 84 years who had various leukemias were analyzed. The control group (n = 48) included patients aged 18 to 39 years who had no underlying abnormality. Analysis indicated that specific changes found in the activities of alkaline and acid phosphatases and a-amylase in the mixed saliva of patients with leukemias were directly related both to the sanitation of foci in chronic apical periodontitis and in the oral cavity and to combined drug therapy.
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Volchkova, V. M., Berezov, T. T. (1996). Diagnostic values of salivary enzyme assay in patients with leukemias. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 42(1), 46-53.
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