The fatty acid composition of plasma membranes in the placenta of induced-pregnancy females with ovarian hypofunction was studied Palmitic, stearic, and oleic acids were prevalent in the placental membranes. The content of arachidonic acid was higher that of linoleic acid which was in greater qualities in the membranous lipids of other tissues than arachidonic acid. The changes found in the fatty acid composition of placental membranous phospholipids were associated with the deviations in the levels of this organ-specific hormones progesterone and placental lactogen.
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Drukker, N. A., Pogorelova, T. N. (1996). The fatty acid composition of placental membrane phospholipids in females with history of ovarian hypofunction. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 42(1), 54-58.
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