Rapid isolation of 4-hydroxyphenylethanol from bovine brain using WATERS SEP-PAK PLUS FLORISIL CARTRIDGES (MILLIPORE)

Panova N.G., Veselovskaya N.V., Medvedev A.E.
PubMed Id: 9148605
Year: 1996  Volume: 42  Issue: 2  Pages: 168-171
4-Hydroxypherlylethanol, MAO-A Inhibitory component of endogenous MAO Inhibitory activity, tribulin, was isolated from a small quantity of bovine brain using Maters Sep-Pak Florisil cartridges. Procedure included isolation of crude tribulin fraction, which was passed through the cartridge. Preliminary data revealed that this substance is not absorbed on Florisil. The employment of this type of cartridges essentially accelerates isolation of 4-hydroxyphenyethanol from brain samples for quantitative determination. Pilot experiments also revealed that Sep-Pak Folrisil cartridges could be used for the rapid isolation of isatin, another endogenous MAO (B) inhibitor, from brain tissue.
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Panova, N. G., Veselovskaya, N. V., Medvedev, A. E. (1996). Rapid isolation of 4-hydroxyphenylethanol from bovine brain using WATERS SEP-PAK PLUS FLORISIL CARTRIDGES (MILLIPORE). Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 42(2), 168-171.
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