There was investigated that the change of isoenzyme spectrum of laktatdegidrogenaze (LDG) in the dynamic of rats skin wounds healing, and also the activity of some antioxidative enzymes and the accumulation of one lipid peroxidation product (LJO). It was discovered that the enzyme spectrum LDG was reconstructed faster with treated animals by SK preparation. The phase of antioxidative enzymes activity and accumulation of some LFO products were recognized. SQ, the increasing of the katalaza activity in group, where the SK was used.
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Shurygin A.Ya. et al. Some biochemical indexes of wound process under the action of preparation SK // Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii. - 1996. - V. 42. -N 3. - P. 227-231.
Shurygin A.Ya. et al., "Some biochemical indexes of wound process under the action of preparation SK." Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii 42.3 (1996): 227-231.
Shurygin, A. Ya., Myrinova, M. Yu., Zlishcheva, E. I. (1996). Some biochemical indexes of wound process under the action of preparation SK. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 42(3), 227-231.
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