Functional activities of plasminogen activators (FPAA) and their inhibitors and plasminogen activators's (PA), antigen level were determined in 31 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, 23 patients with amyloidosis and 15 healthy persons. High FPAA correlated with favourable prognosis of diseases, elevated PA antigen level and diminished alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha 2-macroglobulin and antiactivator activities. There were decreased PA antigen level and increased inhibitor's activities in group with zero FPAA. Protein loaded functional probe demonstrated the presence of PA reserves in high FPAA patients and 'pathological proteolysis' in zero FPAA patients. The last phenomenon was likely connected to nonspecific proteases differed from PA.
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Keywords: chronic glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis, regulators of limited proteolysis
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