Analysis of interrelationship between the protein fraction content and blood serum immunoglobulins with irradiation of atomic industry enterprises workers
989 workers of atomic industry at the age from 35 to 78 years old subjected to the general external gamma radiation and incorporation of plutonium 239 in a wide range of doses about 17-40 years ago have been examined for the protein indices with the radiation effect bearing in mind nine non-radiation factors. The step-by-step regression analysis revealed a positive linear link for the total protein level, absolute content of alpha-I-globulins with the total dose of external gamma radiation. Increasing of serum proteins entropy, correlated with external radiation by protein shifts effect, had not coincided with its age increasing. The influence of plutonium-239 incorporation on the examined protein parameters was not found.
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Keywords: radiation, blood serum, protein fractions
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et al., "Analysis of interrelationship between the protein fraction content and blood serum immunoglobulins with irradiation of atomic industry enterprises workers." Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii 42.4 (1996): 328-333.
Telnov, V. I. (1996). Analysis of interrelationship between the protein fraction content and blood serum immunoglobulins with irradiation of atomic industry enterprises workers. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 42(4), 328-333.
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