The serum samples from 29 patients with Parkinson's disease were analysed for the levels of the autoantibodies (a-AB) and antiidiotype antibodies (AIAB) to the proteins of nervous system S-100, GFAP, NKP and MP-65. High levels of a-AB or AIAB to at least 3 proteins were seen in patients with severe course of the disease. No significant changes of these levels were observed in patients with light course of the disease. The plasmapheresis was carried out to some patients with severe course of the disease. After this procedure the decrease of neurological deficit from number 21±2 to 8±1 on Webster's scale and decrease of a-AB and AIAB levels to normal values (in some cases it became lower than normal values) were observed. It can be concluded that the levels of the a-AB to the nervous tissue proteins correlate with clinical condition of the patient.
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