Gangliosides and ceramides in blood serum of patients with ovary tumors

Somova O.G., Andreasyan G.O., Dyatlovitskaya E.V.
Year: 1997  Volume: 43  Issue: 2  Pages: 82-85
Content of ceramides and gangliosides and ganglioside composiotion were studied in blood serum of patients with benighn and malignant ovary tumors and of healthy volunteers. Ceramide content in blood serum of tumor patients (benighn and malignant) was similar to that of control. Content of lipid-bound sialic acids (gangliosides) was different: it was dictincly increassed in all the tumor patients, especially with malignant tumors, in comparison with control. Ceramide/lipid-bound sialic acids molar ratio decreased in the blood serum of tumor patients in comparison with control, but it was similar both in malignant and benign tumor patients. GM3/GD3 ganglioside molar ratio decreased significantly also, especially in the blood serum of patients with malignant tumors. These results showed that in the blood serum of patients with ovary tumors the content and composition of gangliosides change to a great extent than that of the ceramides.
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Keywords: gangliosides

Somova, O. G., Andreasyan, G. O., Dyatlovitskaya, E. V. (1997). Gangliosides and ceramides in blood serum of patients with ovary tumors. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 43(2), 82-85.
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