Programmed cell death (apoptosis): molecular mechanisms and the role in biology and medicine

Khanson K.P.
PubMed Id: 9446329
Year: 1997  Volume: 43  Issue: 5  Pages: 402-415
Over the recent years studies of the cell death (CD) were progressing with an outstanding speed. CD is found to play a key role in proliferation, differentiation, embryogcnesis, morphogenesis and homeostatic processes. CD abnormalities significantly contribute into numerous human diseases as cancer, AIDS, degenerative pathologies of nervous system and developmental abnormalities. The elucidation of CD mechanisms may promote our understanding of pathogenesis of various diseases and facilitate search for their treatment.
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Keywords: cell death, apoptosis, molecular mechanisms, puman diseases

Khanson, K. P. (1997). Programmed cell death (apoptosis): molecular mechanisms and the role in biology and medicine. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 43(5), 402-415.
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