Protein-protein recognition: control of some hypoteses of aminoacide’s complementarity existence using the brookhaven data bank data

Drozdov-Tikhomirov L.N., Linde D.M., Poroikov V.V., Mokulski M.A.
PubMed Id: 9575614
Year: 1998  Volume: 44  Issue: 1  Pages: 63-69
Four amino acid's complementarity hypotheses have been checked using the data on the structure of 122 protein complexes taken from protein Brookhaven Data Bank. No one of hypotheses was conformed at the analysis of the contact region structures of the protein complexes examined
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Keywords: protein-protein complex, protein-protein recoqnition, contacting amino acids, complementary amino acids, Brookhaven Data Bank

Drozdov-Tikhomirov, L. N., Linde, D. M., Poroikov, V. V., Mokulski, M. A. (1998). Protein-protein recognition: control of some hypoteses of aminoacide’s complementarity existence using the brookhaven data bank data. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 44(1), 63-69.
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