The effects of plasma exchanges of extracorporeal thermally modified autoplasma on dynamics of hormon-metabolic homeostasis indexes in patients with acute myocardial infarction
Changes of biochemical indexes in the blood of 56 patients with acute myocardial infarction against the background of conventional and complex treatment using plasma exchange of extracorporeal-termally modified autoplasma have been analysed. The findings show that complex treatment of patients with AMI, using plasma exchange of extracorporal-thermally modified autoplasma, leads to much earlier decrease of KPK, LDH, LDH-1 enzyme activity in blood; it indicates the reduction of the period of myocardiocyte function restoration. The usage of plasma exchange of extracorporeal-thermally modified autoplasma in patients with acute myocardial infarction is accompanied by the absence of increase of glucose concentration in blood (owing to the normalization of insulin production), favourable influence on stress-reaction of biological systems of organism decrease of atherogenity index. Optimisation and efficiency of AMI therapy during treatment in the hospital is possible, with plasma exchange of extracorporeal-thermally modified autoplasma included in complex therapy.
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Keywords: plasma exchanaze, antoplasma
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