The investigations of tear fluid of eye after contusion injury revealed on increase of trypsin-like activity in 1-3 day and 10-19 day after trauma, the progressively elevation of elastase-like activity and lowering of inhibitory potential along 2-3 week. It was detected indirect correlation between the elastase-like activity and severity of the contusion injury of the eye, the grade of corneal edema, corneal erosion and conjunctival wound, hyphema. This results was shown the participation and the role of proteolytic and inflammatory processes in pathogenesis of eye blunt trauma. It was establish that the during of local inflammation is 2 week end more and is necessary antiinflammatory therapy with use the proteases inhibitors.
Bendelic E.C., Dotsenko V.L., Neshkova E.A., Moshetova L.C., Yarovaya G.A. (1999) The trypsin-like activity, elastase-like activity and antiproteinase potential in patients with contusion injury of the eye. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 45(4), 339-345.
Bendelic E.C. et al. The trypsin-like activity, elastase-like activity and antiproteinase potential in patients with contusion injury of the eye // Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii. - 1999. - V. 45. -N 4. - P. 339-345.
Bendelic E.C. et al., "The trypsin-like activity, elastase-like activity and antiproteinase potential in patients with contusion injury of the eye." Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii 45.4 (1999): 339-345.
Bendelic, E. C., Dotsenko, V. L., Neshkova, E. A., Moshetova, L. C., Yarovaya, G. A. (1999). The trypsin-like activity, elastase-like activity and antiproteinase potential in patients with contusion injury of the eye. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 45(4), 339-345.
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