Dynamics of malonic dialdehyde,transferrin and serum blood antioxidant activity in pregnant women with normal pregnancyand preeclampsia: influence of eiconol
Malonic dyaldehyde (MDA) and transferrin (TF) content and total antioxidant activity (AOA) were measured in blood of pregnant women with normal pregnancy (27 women) and preeclamptic pregnancy (46 women) at different pregnancy stages (17-28, 29-34 and 35-40 weeks of pregnancy). It was shown that in normal pregnancy AOA increased from 24 weeks of pregnancy with a maximum at 30 weeks, while MDA level did not change significantly through all time of pregnancy. On the contrary, in preeclamptic pregnancy blood AOA did not change significantly, while MDA content increased at the 26-34 weeks of pregnancy with a maximum at 30-34 weeks of pregnancy. Blood TF content in normal pregnancy increased during pregnancy development with a maximum at 30-34 weeks, while in preeclamptic pregnancy TF changed only a little. These data show the important role of TF in the AOA blood status formation in normal pregnancy, and great pathogenetic role of the absence of such an increase of TF at preeclamptic pregnancy in AOA impairment at this condition. Eiconol (omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrate from north fish oil) intake by preeclamptic pregnant women drastically decreased blood MDA level (1,5-2 times compared to the women that did not receive eiconol), especially at 29-34 week of gestation. Blood AOA, that was decreased at preeclampsia increased under influence of eiconol intake at all pregnancy stages studied. Eiconol intake greatly increased also the TF blood content that was decreased at preeclampsia. It is supposed that eiconol ability to increase AOA may be explained by its capacity to increase the level of TF--one of the most important compounds of serum blood antioxidant system.
Shilina N.M., Konovalova L.S., Koterov A.N., Murashko L.E., Ivanova O.L., Kon I.Ya. (1999) Dynamics of malonic dialdehyde,transferrin and serum blood antioxidant activity in pregnant women with normal pregnancyand preeclampsia: influence of eiconol. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 45(5), 398-406.
Shilina N.M. et al. Dynamics of malonic dialdehyde,transferrin and serum blood antioxidant activity in pregnant women with normal pregnancyand preeclampsia: influence of eiconol // Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii. - 1999. - V. 45. -N 5. - P. 398-406.
Shilina N.M. et al., "Dynamics of malonic dialdehyde,transferrin and serum blood antioxidant activity in pregnant women with normal pregnancyand preeclampsia: influence of eiconol." Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii 45.5 (1999): 398-406.
Shilina, N. M., Konovalova, L. S., Koterov, A. N., Murashko, L. E., Ivanova, O. L., Kon, I. Ya. (1999). Dynamics of malonic dialdehyde,transferrin and serum blood antioxidant activity in pregnant women with normal pregnancyand preeclampsia: influence of eiconol. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 45(5), 398-406.
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