Pathogenetic basis of the use of GABAergic preparations with atropine in the treatment of the chronic painsyndrome in patients with neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis
1. Research Inst. of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Physiotherapy 2. Byelorussian Center for Medical Technologics, Informatics, Health Care, Economics and Management 3. Inst. of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences
The intensity of neuronal uptake of 3H- or 14C-labeled GABA, glycine, noradrenaline, choline and glucocorticoid receptor binding were investigated in different structures of the rabbit CNS by simulating chronic pain syndrome. Data obtained allow to suggest pathogenetically justified therapy including the complexes of phenybute + atropine and relanium + atropine. The contents of Leu-Enkephaline, cortisol, insuline and insuline/cortizole ratio were studied in the blood serum of the patients with neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis and a long case history of the pain treated by the above mentioned complexes. The proposed therapeutical approach allowed to achieve pronounced antistress effect and regression of the pain syndrome due to stimulation of the CNS endogenic antinociceptive structures. It was shown that stress-produced hormones and opioids ratio in the blood serum may serveas indirect criteria of the functional activity of the endogenic antinociceptive structures before and after the treatment.
Nechipurenko N.I., Dudina T.V., Yelkina A.I., Yelkin Yi.B. (2000) Pathogenetic basis of the use of GABAergic preparations with atropine in the treatment of the chronic painsyndrome in patients with neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 46(1), 36-42.
Nechipurenko N.I. et al. Pathogenetic basis of the use of GABAergic preparations with atropine in the treatment of the chronic painsyndrome in patients with neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis // Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii. - 2000. - V. 46. -N 1. - P. 36-42.
Nechipurenko N.I. et al., "Pathogenetic basis of the use of GABAergic preparations with atropine in the treatment of the chronic painsyndrome in patients with neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis." Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii 46.1 (2000): 36-42.
Nechipurenko, N. I., Dudina, T. V., Yelkina, A. I., Yelkin, Yi. B. (2000). Pathogenetic basis of the use of GABAergic preparations with atropine in the treatment of the chronic painsyndrome in patients with neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 46(1), 36-42.
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