Neuro-, hepato- and geno-toxic effects of the industrial xenobiotic, acrylamide, were studied in intact rats and in rats with induced phenobarbital- and 3-methylholanthren-dependent isoforms of cytochrome P-450. The induction of the first isoform increased neuro- and hepato-toxic effects of acrylamide and decreased the extent of cell genome damage. Activation of the 3-methylholanthren-dependent cytochrome had no influence on the toxicity of this xenobiotic. Realisation of toxic effects of acrylamide may involve a decrease of the carbohydrate energy metabolism, but in the intact organism these processes precede the induction of the phenobarbital-dependent cytochrome P450.
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Keywords: acrylamide, P450, mutagenesis, nonrecirculating perfusion of the liver in situ
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