Brain monoamine oxidase in prematurely aging OXYS rats

Voitenko N.N.1

1. Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Acad.Sci.
PubMed Id: 11925747
Year: 2001  Volume: 47  Issue: 6  Pages: 582-587
Rats OXYS with manifestations of genetically determined premature aging and OXYR free from these manifestation were studied. Eight month old OXYS and OXYR rats were characterized by similar brain stem MAO A and MAO B activities and their control at the transcription level. In hemispheres of 8 month old OXYS rats MAO A activity was higher than in OXYR. Emotional stress did not affect either MAO A or MAO B in brain stem of the two strains, and lowered MAO A activity in hemispheres of OXYS rats.
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Voitenko, N. N. (2001). Brain monoamine oxidase in prematurely aging OXYS rats. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 47(6), 582-587.
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