The role of glutamate receptors in the brain spiking activity was evaluated. The electroencephalographic (EEG) spiking activity was monitored and autoreactive antibodies (aAbs) to subunits of glutamate receptors were assessed in the blood serum of epileptic and ischemic stroke patients. We showed that the level of GluR autoantibodies in blood serum of patients correlates to the intensity of the brain paroxysmal activity. These data confirm our previous observations. The level of GluR1 aABs has been proposed as a specific biomarker typical for epilepsy. This approach could be recommended as an additional criterion for diagnostic of nervous diseases such as epilepsy and ischemic stroke.
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Bazarova V.G. et al. The level of autoantibodies against glutamatereceptors subunits and immunologica parameters in blood of epileptic patients // Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii. - 2002. - V. 48. -N 4. - P. 381-387.
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