2004, Volume 50, Issue 2
121-135 Pankov Yu.A.
Peptide hormones, receptors and other proteins in the mechanisms of hormonal regulation
136-149 Parfenova N.S.
Liver and nervous system
149-158 Levchenko M.E., Poroikov V.V., Kanehina M.
G-protein coupled peptide receptors and their endogenous ligands in the human genome
159-163 Prokopieva N.V., Gulyaeva L.F., Polyakova N.E.
The long-term influnce of arochlor 1254 on microsomal monooxygenase system of rat liver at acute pancreatitis
164-171 Savilov P.N.
Influence of hyperbaric oxygenation on a metabolism of glutamin in damaged and undamaged parts of the operated liver
172-179 Poteryaeva O.N., Korolenko T.A., Svechnikova I.G., Zhanaeva S.Ya., Falameyeva O.V., Kaledin V.I., Nowicky J.V.
Cysteine proteinases and their inhibitors in murine HA-1 hepatoma during antitumor treatment
180-186 Khalilov E.M., Torkhovskaya T.I., Zakharova T.S., Kochetova M.M., Zdeshnev  V.O.
Phosphatidylcholines as a basis of artificial lung surfactant: comparison of surface-active properties
187-191 Vishnevsky A.A., Jakovlev V.M., Habibullova Z.I.
The second messendger response under altitude chamber treatment
192-197 Gribanov G.A., Leshchenko D.V., Golovko M.Yu.
Changes of phospholipids of grey аnd white matter of rats' brain in process of autolysis in vitro under influence acute hypobaric hypoxic hypoxia
198-203 Bogdanovich R.N., Chikalovets I.V., Berestovay T.A.
System of hemostasis and pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoprotein in treatened abortion
204-210 Gilmiyarova F.N., Pervova Yu.V., Radomskaya V.M., Gergel N.Y., Tarasova S.V.
The content of unified metabolites and thyroid hormones in blood and oral fluid of children with minimal brain dysfunction
211-216 Fedchenko V.I., Guriev S.O., Kaloshin  A.A.
Effective method of DNA purification from biological and non-biological contaminations and optimization of its amplification
217-220 Markarian A.A., Dargaeva T.D., Alyautdin R.N., Bourkov V.L.
The accelerated hydrophobic chromatography of plant extracts: a promising tool for study of biologically active polyphenols
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