2012, Volume 58, Issue 4
357-371 Raevsky O.A., Liplavskaya E.A., Yarkov A.V., Raevskaya O.E., Worth A.P.
Linear and nonlinear QSAR models of acute intravenous toxicity to mice for organic chemicals
372-384 Lukasheva E.V., Efremova A.A., Treshalina E.M., Arinbasarova A.Ju., Medentzev A.G., Berezov T.T.
L-amino acid oxidases: properties and molecular mechanisms of action
385-399 Koudinova N.V., Koudinov A.R., Kezlya E.V., Kozirev K.M., Medvedev A.E., Berezov T.T.
Compensatory mechanisms to heal neuroplasticity impairment under Alzheiemer's disease neurodegeneration. I: The role of amyloid beta and its' precursor protein
400-410 Zorin N.A., Zorina V.N.
Macroglobulin signaling system
411-417 Kutyreva M.P., Mukhametzyanova A.R., Ulakhovich N.A.
Suppression of activity of Candida albicans proteinases by cobalt chloride
418-428 Iskra R.Ya., Yanovych V.G.
The influence of chromium chloride consumption on peroxidation processes and activity of antioxidant defence in rat tissues
429-437 Solovyev V.G., Bychevsky A.Sh., Karpova I.A.
The effect of estrogens and progestagens on biochemical components of hemostasis, platelets, continuous intravascular coagulation and tolerance to thrombin: correction of their effect of antioxidants
438-445 Dzugkoev S.G., Kozyrev K.M., Gumanova N.G., Dzugkoeva F.S.
The influence of afobazole on biochemical and histo-patho-morphological parameters of endothelial function at experimental diabetes mellitis in rats
446-456 Shpakov A.O., Shpakova E.A.
Development of non-hormonal regulators of adenylyl cyclase signaling system on the basis of peptides, derivatives of the third intracellular loop of somatostatin receptors
457-466 Tanyanskiy D.A., Denisenko A.D.
Molecular forms of adiponectin: comparative evaluation of their correlations with parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
467-474 Titarenko O.T., Dyakova M.E., Esmedlyaeva D.S., Pavlova M.V., Yielkin A.V., Alekseeva N.C., Bondarenko B.B.
Peculiarities of the circulating phagocytes functional activityin patients with different forms of drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis
475-484 Gorudko I.V., Kostevich V.A., Sokolov A.V., Buko I.V., Konstantinova E.E., Tsapaeva N.L., Mironova E.V., Zakharova E.T., Vasilyev V.B., Cherenkevich S.N., Panasenko O.M.
Increased myelopepoxidase activity is a risk factor for ishemic heart disease in patients with diabetes mellitus
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