2024, Volume 70, Issue 5    
261-262 Editorial  
263-272 Kolesnichenko A.V., Pleshakova T.O.
Fundamentals of protein chemistry at the Institute of Biomedical Chemistry
273-286 Pleshakova T.O., Ershova M.O., Valueva A.A., Ivanova I.A., Ivanov Yu.D., Archakov A.I.
AFM-fishing technology for protein detection in solutions
287-303 Khmeleva S.A., Ptitsyn K.G., Kurbatov L.K., Timoshenko O.S., Suprun E.V., Radko S.P., Lisitsa A.V.
Biosensing platforms for DNA diagnostics based on CRISPR/Cas nucleases: towards the detection of nucleic acids at the level of single molecules in non-laboratory settings
304-314 Goldaeva K.V., Pleshakova T.O., Ivanov Yu.D.
Nanowire-based biosensors for solving biomedical problems
315-328 Kiseleva O.I., Arzumanian V.A., Kurbatov I.Yu., Poverennaya E.V.
In silico and in cellulo approaches for functional annotation of human protein splice variants
329-341 Lokhov P.G., Balashova E.E., Trifonova O.P., Maslov D.L., Lokhov A.P., Ponomarenko E.A., Lisitsa A.V., Ugrumov M.V., Stilidi I.S., Kushlinskii N.E., Nikityuk D.B., Tutelyan V.A., Shestakova M.V., Dedov I.I., Archakov A.I.
Clinical metabolomics: current state and prospects in Russia
342-348 Archakov A.I., Vavilov N.E., Zgoda V.G.
Detection of low-copy proteins in proteomic studies: issues and solutions
349-355 Ivanov Yu.D., Ableev A.N., Vinogradova A.V., Nevedrova E.D., Shumov I.D., Ziborov V.S., Kozlov A.F., Ivanova I.A., Vaulin N.V., Lebedev D.V., Bukatin A.S., Mukhin I.S., Ponomarenko E.A., Archakov A.I.
Registration of activity of a single molecule of horseradish peroxidase using a detector based on a solid-state nanopore
356-363 Soloveva N.A., Novikova S.E., Farafonova T.E., Tikhonova O.V., Zgoda V.G., Archakov A.I.
Proteome of plasma extracellular vesicles as a source of colorectal cancer biomarkers
364-373 Sarygina E.V., Kozlova A.S., Ponomarenko E.A., Ilgisonis E.V.
The human proteome size as a technological development function
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