Metabolism of myocardial substances in compensatory hyperfunction of the heart. Myocardial carbonic anhydrase activity in compensatory hyperfunction and hypertrophy of the heart

Rubel V.M., Apanasiuk M.P., Meerson F.Z.
PubMed Id: 14221545
Year: 1963  Volume: 9  Issue: 1  Pages: 57-60
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Rubel, V. M., Apanasiuk, M. P., Meerson, F. Z. (1963). Metabolism of myocardial substances in compensatory hyperfunction of the heart. Myocardial carbonic anhydrase activity in compensatory hyperfunction and hypertrophy of the heart. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 9(1), 57-60.

Metabolism of myocardial substances in compensatory hyperfunction of the heart. myocardial carbonic anhydrase activity in compensatory hyperfunction and hypertrophy of the heart

Rubel' V.M., Apanasiuk M.P., Meerson F.Z.
PubMed Id: 13982946
Year: 1963  Volume: 9  Issue: 1  Pages: 57-60: 57-60
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Rubel', V. M., Apanasiuk, M. P., Meerson, F. Z. (1963). Metabolism of myocardial substances in compensatory hyperfunction of the heart. myocardial carbonic anhydrase activity in compensatory hyperfunction and hypertrophy of the heart. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 9(1), 57-60.
 1964 (vol 10)
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