Separate and combined action of antibiotics and vitamins on monoamine oxidase activity of the rabbit liver in staphylococcal infection

Tsyganenko A.Ya.
PubMed Id: 5317616
Year: 1971  Volume: 17  Issue: 4  Pages: 364-369
Staphylococcal necrotic infection decreases activity of mitochondrial monoamine oxidase from rabbit liver. The animals treated with tetracycline exhibited a further inhibition of staphylotoxin-repressed MAO activity. Administration of penicillin as well as of vitamins B2 and B12 resulted in the same level of the enzyme activity as in non-treated animals. Treatment of animals with tetracycline in combination with vitamins B2 and B12 ensured a restoration of MAO activity, repressed by antibiotics, to the level of non-treated animals. Combined administration of penicillin and methycillin with vitamins B2, as well as methycycline and morphocycline with vitamin B12 resulted in a higher enzyme activity compared with respective values in non-treated animals. The best stimulatory action was exerted by a combination of penicillin with vitamin B2 and methycillin with vitamin B12. In these cases, MAO activity was higher in rabbits receiving antibiotics only and was restored to the level of enzyme activity in intact animals. Combined administration of penicillin with vitamin B12 and morphocycline with vitamin B2 exerted no action on MAO activity inhibited by staphylococcal exotoxin.
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Tsyganenko, A. Ya. (1971). Separate and combined action of antibiotics and vitamins on monoamine oxidase activity of the rabbit liver in staphylococcal infection. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 17(4), 364-369.
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