1973, Volume 19, Issue 2
115-116 Fridliand I.B.
The formation and excretion of phenol in animals with transplanted tumors
117-120 Loseva N.L.
Direct deamination processes in Jersinia enterocolitica (Pasteurella 'X')
120-128 Suprinov B.P., Bochkova D.N., Kashkin K.P.
Electrophoretic study of rat serum and liver esterases after partial hepatectomy or ligation of the bile duct
128-132 Bogdanova E.V., Vialykh M.F.
Change in phosphorylase activity in the course of a single heart contraction
132-134 Bulatnikova V.A.
Change in the tissue respiration of the liver, spleen and regional lymph nodes during immunization
134-135 Menisov A.K.
The effect of the monoamine oxidase inhibitor iproniazio on fat metabolism and catecholamine dynamics in tissues
136-140 Kudriashov B.A., Liapina L.A.
The origin and physiological importance of activated plasminogen and plasmin in excitation of the anticoagulative system
140-143 Izraelit M.A., Avakumov V.M., Kopelevich V.M.
The effect of pantothenic acid and some of its derivatives on sulfanilamide acetylation in rats
143-148 Il'in V.S., Norman Kh.K.
Hormonal regulation of transaminase activity in rat liver cells becoming malignant
148-152 Samsonova M.L.
Inhibition of tryptophan pyrrolase activity in rat liver by the administration of imipramine and other antidepressants
152-156 Byshevskii A.Kh., Koigushskaia G.P.
Plasma fibrinogen level and the metabolism of fibrinogen-I-131 in rats treated with hydrocortisone
156-162 Simanovskii L.N., Ozirskaia E.V., Reznik L.V.
Energy metabolism change in the rat brain during the process of adaptation to hypoxia
163-166 Khvatova E.M., Vaulina V.A.
The effect of sodium hydroxybutyrate on the energy function of brain mitochondria normally and under conditions of circulatory hypoxia
166-172 Drobyshev V.I., Mansurova S.Z., Shtraikher L.I., Korzhenko V.P., Kulaev I.S.
Study of the nucleotides of bull cardiac mitochondria using liquid chromatography
173-176 Matlina E.Sh., Pukhova G.S., Grafova V.N., Kassil' G.N., Kryshanovskii G.N.
The effect of DOPA on catecholamine metabolism in spinal pain syndrome
177-181 Golubentsev D.A., Titov A.V.
Chemical transformations of cystamine in mouse tissues
181-186 Glushchenko T.S., Demin N.N.
Biogenic amine mediators and proteinase activity in various sections of the rat brain during sleep and deprivation of its paradoxical phase
186-191 Petrun' N.M., Nikulina C.G.
Oxidative phosphorylation in rat kidney mitochondria in mercuric chloride nephrosis
191-193 Chelibonova-Lorer K.Kh., Iakimov M.M., Golovinski E.E.
The effect of 6-mercaptopurine on P32-orthophosphate incorporation into the acid-soluble purine nucleotides of YC1-T20 myeloid tumor (Graffi) in mice
194-198 Chalabian Z.A.
Change in the fractional composition of brain tissue RNA in repeated electrical convulsive attacks
198-201 Koniukhov A.F., Mazurenko N.P.
Liver catalase activity in mice with leukemia induced by Mazurenko's, Friend's and Rauscher's viruses
201-206 Arkhangel'skaia A.V., Gershenovich Z.S., Krichevskaia A.A.
Brain nitrogen metabolism during the growth of transplantable extracerebral sarcomas
207-211 Korol' V.V., Domaradskii I.V., Golubinskii E.P.
Sulfate assimilation by plague and pseudotuberculosis microbes
212-214 Turakulov I.Kh., Abidov A.A., Rakhimdzhanova M.T.
Free fatty acid metabolism in the myocardium in thyrotoxicosis
214-218 Ulanov B.P., Matorina T.I.
Quantitative study of the reaction of thymidine-5'-monophosphate and guanosine-5'-monophosphate modified by CME-carbodiimide with phosphotungstic acid
218-222 Levitskii A.P., Konovets V.M., Marchenko A.I., Volodkina V.V.
Alkaline and acid phosphatase activity in human saliva in parodontosis
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