1974, Volume 20, Issue 5
451-462 Alimova E.K., Astvatsatur'ian A.T., Zharov L.V.
Regulation of biosynthesis and oxidation of fatty acids and glycerides at the cellular level in mammalian tissues
463-467 Totskii V.N., Namsrai Ts., Ol'shanetskaia V.A.
Binding of exogenous coenzymes by mitochondrial structures in normal conditions and during gravitational stress
467-471 Chalabian Z.A.
Biosynthesis of RNA in the brain during excitation
471-476 Balaba T.Ia., Furtseva L.N., Nefed'eva N.N.
Collagen metabolism in osteogenesis imperfecta
476-482 Bazaz'ian G.G., Liapina L.A., Mendelevich O.A.
Effect of an adrenaline-heparin complex on blood lipolytic activity in animals during normal and depressed states of the anticoagulation system
482-489 Baskova I.P., Cherkesova D.U., Orlova A.S., Kudriashov B.A.
Change in plasma esterase activity during stimulation of the '2d anticoagulation system'
489-494 Iarilin A.A., Polushkina E.F.
Antigens of spleen lymphocyte plasma membranes
495-498 Shestakova S.A.
Glycogen content and activity of enzymes involved in its synthesis in leukocytes in diabetes
498-503 Andreev S.V., Alekseeva L.M., Sokolov M.V., Kobkova I.D.
Myocardial metabolism in mitral valve insufficiency in dogs
504-509 Sidorkina A.N., Sidorkin V.G.
Energy metabolism and electron microscopic characteristics of animal cerebral cortex mitochondria in conditions of burn shock
510-514 Baliabina M.D.
Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes in the kidney cortex and medulla of normal rats and rats with alloxan diabetes
515-518 Baksheev N.S., Kurskiĭ M.D., Antonenko S.G., Khodak A.A., Fedorov A.N.
Effect of female sex hormones, serotonin and calcium on the 3',5'-AMP content of the uterine muscle of nonpregnant, pregnant and parturient rabbits
518-523 Komissarenko V.P., Chelnakova I.S., Mikosha A.S.
Distribution of water and electrolyte content in the blood and tissues of dogs following administration of o,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane
523-525 Pogorelov I.F.
Determination of ornithine carbamoyltransferase activity during temporary constriction of the portal vessels
525-528 Fomina M.P.
Effect of fructose administration on liver glycolysis in rate with alloxan diabetes
528-534 Dovedova E.L.
Activity of acetylcholinesterase and also Mg- and (K+Na)-stimulated ATPase in subcellular fractions of rat brain in normal conditions and during administration of triftazine
534-540 Filippovich I.V., Belovskaia L.N., Romantsev E.F., Fradkin G.E.
Characteristics of a partially purified rat thymus protein fraction possessing DNA polymerase activity
540-544 Kalinovskiĭ V.P., Goriukhina T.A., Seĭts I.F.
Fractionation of RNA from liver, hepatoma and gastric mucosa by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
544-549 Chadaeva N.I., Matusus I.I.
Change in the content of carbohydrate components of glycoproteins in homogenates and mitochondria of the liver and in the blood serum of albino rats following large doses of vitamin A
549-554 Golenko O.D., Miasishcheva N.V., Raushenbakh M.O., Rudakova I.P., Tachkova E.M.
Effect of methylcobalamin on the proliferative activity of hematopoietic tissue cells
554-558 Fomenko B.S., Zaslavskiĭ I.A.
Polarographic determination of ubiquinone in rat liver
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