Citrate content in the myocardium and liver of rabbits in starvation and thyrotoxicosis

Berezhnaia M.V., Kriukova I.V., Zavadskiĭ P.S., Kandror V.I.
PubMed Id: 1119114
Year: 1975  Volume: 21  Issue: 1  Pages: 78-82
Under starvation in rabbit blood plasma an increase in content of free fatty acids was accompanied by accumulation of citrate in myocardium and by maintenance of glycogen content in the organ. Contents of glycogen and citrate were decreased in liver tissue. In blood plasma under thyreotoxicosis an increase in concentration of free fatty acids was followed by decrease in contents of glycogen and citrate both in myocardium and in liver tissue. Under thyreotoxicosis the absence of the glycogenolysis block was associated with non-accumulation of citrate in myocardium. Difference in metabolic patterns of fatty acids in heart and liver tissues under starvation and thyreotoxycosis are discussed.
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Berezhnaia, M. V., Kriukova, I. V., Zavadskiĭ, P. S., Kandror, V. I. (1975). Citrate content in the myocardium and liver of rabbits in starvation and thyrotoxicosis. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 21(1), 78-82.
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