Metabolism of histamine in patients with coronary atherosclerosis

Shustval N.F.
PubMed Id: 54986
Year: 1975  Volume: 21  Issue: 3  Pages: 235-239
In patients with coronary atherosclerosis in I and III stages content of histamine in blood, excretion of free histamine with urine, activities of serum histidine decarboxylase and diaminooxidase, histaminopexy of blood serum and content of antihistamine factor were studied. In patients with the disease of the I stage during the attacks of stenocardia content of histamine in blood, the activity of diaminooxidase and content of degranulated basophils were increased, but the histidine decarboxylase activity, histaminopexy, content of antihistamine factor and excretion of free histamine with urine were normal. During the stenocardia attacks in patients with coronary atherosclerosis of the III stage content of degranulated basophils, the histidine decarboxylase activity were increased, histaminopexy and titres of antihistamine factor were decreased. Between the content of histamine in blood and the diaminooxidase activity no correlation was observed. This lack of correlation could cause development of hyperhistaminaemia and increased excretion of free histamine with urine. Antihistamine and desensitizing preparations (pipolphen, heparin, amidopyrine and ascorbic acid) increased the therapeutic efficiency of vasodilating drugs, decreased stenocardia attacks, accelerated both clinical improvement and normalization of histamine metabolism.
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Shustval, N. F. (1975). Metabolism of histamine in patients with coronary atherosclerosis. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 21(3), 235-239.
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