Inositol containing phospholipids in brain and liver tissue of rats in prolonged alcoholic intoxication

Karagezyan K.G., Amirkhanyan L.T., Amirkhanyan O.M., Alexandryan D.V.
PubMed Id: 174301
Year: 1975  Volume: 21  Issue: 3  Pages: 269-271
In brain and liver tissue of rats, treated repeatedly with alcohol, alterations in content of total phospholipids and polyphosphoinositols were reproducibly different. In the tissues studied content of polyphosphoinositols were distinctly decreased. Independent function of phosphoinositols in tissue metabolism as an auxiliary energy system in addition to the universal adenylate system is considered. These concepts are in agreement with observations on development of rough morphological alterations (fatty degeneration) in liver tissue. The fatty degeneration developed in the liver tissue in response to deficiency of oxidative potential in the organ.
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Karagezyan, K. G., Amirkhanyan, L. T., Amirkhanyan, O. M., Alexandryan, D. V. (1975). Inositol containing phospholipids in brain and liver tissue of rats in prolonged alcoholic intoxication. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 21(3), 269-271.
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