The study of isoenzymes of esterase, lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase from blood serum in lymphogranulomatous process of liver tissue

Surinov B.P., Vakulenko A.D.
PubMed Id: 1216767
Year: 1975  Volume: 21  Issue: 5  Pages: 507-511
In blood serum of patients with lymphogranulomatose, as compared with healthy persons, a decrease in activity of one of the arylesterase fractions was observed. In lymphogranulomatous process content of this fraction and content of cholinesterase were decreased in liver tissue more distinctly than in the blood. At the same time the arylesterase activity was increased; the enzyme was found only in trace amount in normal liver tissue. The impairments in content of lactate dehydrogenase isozymes were less distinct. In lymphogranulomatose the activity of alkaline phosphatase was increased, especially in cases accompanied by impairment of liver tissue.
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Surinov, B. P., Vakulenko, A. D. (1975). The study of isoenzymes of esterase, lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase from blood serum in lymphogranulomatous process of liver tissue. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 21(5), 507-511.
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