Activity and isoenzymatic makeup of the hexokinase of rapid and slow muscles in the rabbit normally and the experimental allergic polyneuritis

Pleskov V.M.
PubMed Id: 1025885
Year: 1976  Volume: 22  Issue: 2  Pages: 233-237
An activity and isozyme spectrum of hexokinase were studied in rapid (gastrocnemius) and slow (soleus) muscles of rabbit in normal state and in experimental allergic polyneuritis, caused by administration of myelin from peripheric nerves mixed with Freund's stimulator. In normal organism the hexokinase activity was shown to be several times higher in soleus muscle than in gastrocnemius one. In these muscles the isozyme spectrum of the enzyme was markedly differentiated. In gastrocnemius muscle of rabbits with experimental allergic polyneuritis the hexokinase activity was distinctly increased due to increase in amount of the II type of the enzyme; in soleus muscle the decrease in the total activity of the enzyme depended upon the decrease in amount ofhexokinase II.
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Pleskov, V. M. (1976). Activity and isoenzymatic makeup of the hexokinase of rapid and slow muscles in the rabbit normally and the experimental allergic polyneuritis. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 22(2), 233-237.
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