Non-proteolytic enzymes of human gastric and duodenal mucosa in peptic ulcer

Ivanov G.G.
PubMed Id: 1030892
Year: 1976  Volume: 22  Issue: 3  Pages: 339-342
Gastric and duodenal ulcers were characterized by the high activity of alkaline phosphatase within the zone of impairment. In gastric ulcer the high concentration of the enzyme was observed also in the region of minor curvature. Activities of aspartate and alanine transaminases were decreased in the zone of gastric ulcer; in duodenal ulcer only the alanine transaminase activity was decreased. The total lactate dehydrogenase activity was unaltered in gastric ulcer, but it was increased in impaired duodenum, where, among the other LDH isozymes, LDH5 fraction was increased.
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Ivanov, G. G. (1976). Non-proteolytic enzymes of human gastric and duodenal mucosa in peptic ulcer. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 22(3), 339-342.
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