Macroergic phosphates in the brain under hypoxia

Khvatova E.M., Mironova G.V., Shvets N.A., Seroglazova G.S.
PubMed Id: 1027235
Year: 1976  Volume: 22  Issue: 4  Pages: 493-497
Acute hypoxic hypoxia ('height' 7000 m) did not cause distinct alterations in content of adenyl and guanyl nucleotides from brain tissue. Negative alterations in the pool of macroergic phosphates occurred in a deficit of oxygen ('height' 8000 m). Short-term training with hypoxia prevented the alterations in nucleotide pool even if the extreme hypoxia was applied ('height' 9000 m). Pre-cooling of animals promoted the maintenance of nucleotide pool at the 'height' of 8000 and 9000 m. Hypothermia did not protect against the distinct alterations in content of both adenyl and guanyl nucleotides under conditions of oxygen deficit ('height' 9500 m and 1100 m).
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Khvatova, E. M., Mironova, G. V., Shvets, N. A., Seroglazova, G. S. (1976). Macroergic phosphates in the brain under hypoxia. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 22(4), 493-497.
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