Thiamine content and enzyme activity in blood cells in leukemia

Nesterova V.I., Chebotareva M.A.
PubMed Id: 829192
Year: 1976  Volume: 22  Issue: 6  Pages: 732-735
Content of thiamine and activities of two enzymes were studied in blood cells of patients with various types of leukosis. In patients with acute leukemia content of thiamin was decreased in leucocytes and blood plasma. Content of vitamin B1 was increased in erythroid cells of peripheric blood in erythroleukosis. Administration of thiamin into some patients caused a distinct increase in its content in blood cells. The guanosine phosphorylase activity was higher in blood cells in leukosis as compared with control. The transketolase activity was not distinctly altered.
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Nesterova, V. I., Chebotareva, M. A. (1976). Thiamine content and enzyme activity in blood cells in leukemia. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 22(6), 732-735.
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