Highly-sensitive method of studying the toxicity of lipid peroxides

Neifakh E.A.
PubMed Id: 855225
Year: 1977  Volume: 23  Issue: 1  Pages: 131-135
A highly sensitive and simple method is developed for study of lipid peroxides toxicity with the use of quail developing embryos as a model. Toxicity of linolenic acid hydroperoxides, obtained by the lipoxygenase catalysis, was distinctly higher than the toxicity of the peroxides, produced alter autooxidation (LD50 = 0.12 and 0.38 mc-eq/embryo, respectively). Occurrence of toxic properties was observed in lipids, isolated from tissues of mice subjected to the oxygen stress. The advantages of the method described are discussed as compared with the published data.
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Neifakh, E. A. (1977). Highly-sensitive method of studying the toxicity of lipid peroxides. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 23(1), 131-135.
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