Effect of the nonspecific biogenic stimulators pentoxyl and mumie on metabolic processes

Shvetskii A.G., Vorob'eva L.M.
PubMed Id: 664476
Year: 1978  Volume: 24  Issue: 1  Pages: 102-108
Unspecific biogenic stimulants (pentoxyl and mummie) accelerated metabolism of nucleic acids and protein in rat liver tissue. After the treatment with the stimulants the rate of lipolysis exceeded that of lipogenesis. Increase in content of lactate was similar if glycogen and glucose-6-phosphate were used as substrates of glycolysis, but it was stimulated 2-3-fold, when glucose was used; the phenomenon appears to be due to activation of hexokinase. As shown by polarographic measurements mitochondrial respiration was increased in all the metabolic states, but increased doses caused an inhibition of phosphorylation apparently due to functional overstrain of mitochondria. Increased doses of the stimulants accelerated also some other metabolic processes studied, but the effects were not dose-dependent. Pentoxyl and mummie apparently increased processes of protein and nuclei acid metabolism and stimulated the energy-providing reactions.
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Shvetskii, A. G., Vorob'eva, L. M. (1978). Effect of the nonspecific biogenic stimulators pentoxyl and mumie on metabolic processes. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 24(1), 102-108.
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