Change in the content of adenine nucleotides and creatine phosphate and in the activity of creatine kinase in the large intestine mucosa in chronic enterocolitis in relation to the severity of the disease

Shamov I.A., Veksler I., Aslanova N.R.
PubMed Id: 664455
Year: 1978  Volume: 24  Issue: 3  Pages: 310-314
Content of ATP, ADP, AMP, phosphocreatine and activity of creatine kinase were estimated in homogenates of biopsy material obtained from large intestine mucose of patients with chronic enterocolitis and of healthy persons. Impairments were observed in interrelations and transformations of adenine nucleotides and in creatine kinase reactions. Decrease in content of total adenine nucleotides and of ATP correlated with the degree of the disease severity. In severe cases the molar ratio ATP/ADP was distinctly decreased.
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Shamov, I. A., Veksler, I., Aslanova, N. R. (1978). Change in the content of adenine nucleotides and creatine phosphate and in the activity of creatine kinase in the large intestine mucosa in chronic enterocolitis in relation to the severity of the disease. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 24(3), 310-314.
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