Effect of complex compounds of heparin with fibrinogen on the processes of fibrin formation

Potrebich A.V., Danilina I.A.
PubMed Id: 664472
Year: 1978  Volume: 24  Issue: 3  Pages: 404-407
Data on dynamics of fibrin formation in blood plasma were obtained by multiple estimation of fibrinogene by Bidwell's method. Underestimated content of fibrinogene in blood plasma within 1 hr after the beginning of the experiment was apparently due to formation of complexes of heparin and fibrinogene. After destruction of the complexes the newly liberated fibrinogene caused gradual increase in the clot weight. Addition of heparin to blood plasma increased binding of fibrinogene in the clot.
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Potrebich, A. V., Danilina, I. A. (1978). Effect of complex compounds of heparin with fibrinogen on the processes of fibrin formation. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 24(3), 404-407.
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