Change in the antiradical activity of surfactant lipids during the development of nonspecific inflammatory processes in rabbit bronchopulmonary tissue

Panevskaia G.N., Iarosh A.M., Nesterov E.N.
PubMed Id: 580818
Year: 1978  Volume: 24  Issue: 3  Pages: 412-415
Content of total lipids, phospholipids and cholesterol was estimated in surface-active fraction isolated from rabbit lungs. The surface activity and antiradical properties were decreased in the fraction simultaneously with a decrease in phospholipid contents in the course of development of inflammatory process in bronchopulmonary tissue. These data suggested that the antiradical activity, which is essential for protection of the surface-active fraction against free radical peroxidation, was mainly due to the phospholipid component.
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Panevskaia, G. N., Iarosh, A. M., Nesterov, E. N. (1978). Change in the antiradical activity of surfactant lipids during the development of nonspecific inflammatory processes in rabbit bronchopulmonary tissue. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 24(3), 412-415.
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