Isoenzyme spectrum and activity of several enzymes of bone marrow erythroid and myeloid cells in rabbits and changes in them under the influence of hydrocortisone

Bel'chenko D.I., Domanskii V.Iu., Khanina N.Ia.
PubMed Id: 685190
Year: 1978  Volume: 24  Issue: 4  Pages: 464-469
Rabbit myeloid myelocaryocytes possessed higher activities of hexokinase (HK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as compared with those of erythroid cells. The lypolytic activity was twice as high in myeloid myelocaryocytes as in erythroid ones. Both strains of medullar cells did not differ in the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). But the isoenzyme spectra of G6PD varied distinctly in these cells; HK and LDH isoenzyme spectra were the same both in myeloid and erythroid cells. The enzymatic activity was altered dissimilarly in myeloid and erythroid cells after administration of hydrocortisone. In myeloid cells the HK activity was decreased, in the erythroid cells--the HK activity tended to increase and the lipolytic activity was decreased. Alterations in the isoenzyme spectra of G6PD and LDH, caused by hydrocortisone administration, exhibited similar patterns in myeloid and erythroid cells.
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Bel'chenko, D. I., Domanskii, V. Iu., Khanina, N. Ia. (1978). Isoenzyme spectrum and activity of several enzymes of bone marrow erythroid and myeloid cells in rabbits and changes in them under the influence of hydrocortisone. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 24(4), 464-469.
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