Activating effect of indolylhdrazides on rat brain monamine oxidase

Safrazbekian R.R., Sukasian R.S., Arzanunts E.M.
PubMed Id: 706259
Year: 1978  Volume: 24  Issue: 5  Pages: 640-645
Effects of hydrazide and isopropyl hydrazide of beta-/2-methyl indolyl-3/propionic acid as well as dihydrazide and isopropyl dihydrazide of alpha-butyl-beta/2-methyl-5-carboxyindolyl-3/propionic acid on activity of monoamine oxidase from rat brain were studied in vivo and in vitro. The effects of the preparations depend on the initial activity of the enzyme, concentrations of the compounds and on the substrate used. Decreased monoamine oxidase activity was the most suitable condition for detection of activating effect of compounds studied.
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Safrazbekian, R. R., Sukasian, R. S., Arzanunts, E. M. (1978). Activating effect of indolylhdrazides on rat brain monamine oxidase. Voprosy Meditsinskoi Khimii, 24(5), 640-645.
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